Sunday, October 11, 2015

Virtuosity over Mediocrity

A while back our coach wrote this on the whiteboard at our box.

Then he asked for definitions of virtuosity. A couple answers were funny and a few were good definitions. One of them was "to do what is right". Our coach was emphasizing the fact that when doing CrossFit or anything in life we should do it the right way over doing it half hearted or in a mediocre way. He wanted us to think about doing virtuous squats to below parallel, doing proper lifts, and body weight movements in order to improve physically and not to hurt yourself.

All of this reminded me of Philippians 4:8. "Finally, brethern, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy-meditate on these things."
Paul was encouraging the Philippian believers to live pure and virtuous lives. They should determine if something is true, noble, just, pure, lovely, and of good report before the do it, read it, or watch it.

This is even more applicable for us today. There are so many things that can distract a Christian from living a virtuous life. The internet, TV, books, and movies can be horrible. As a parents we must help our children make right choices and guide them to learn to make these right choices as they grow older.

Be sure to "test" things in your life to be sure you are doing them in a virtuous manner and to bring honor and glory to the Lord.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The MisFits

Our CrossFit box is named the MC which stands for MisFit CrossFit. It started in our coaches' garage and then spread to the lawn.
This was a Wednesday night partner WOD. Everyone was gathered around Chris, the one in the pink shirt without sleeves in the middle. He was welcoming everyone and then explained the WOD for the night.

One armed dumbbell carries all the way across the lawn.

Rockers in the front lawn.

Pullup stations in the garage.

Now we meet in a rented store front.

Now we have lots of room to work. There are several pullup stations, a back room to use plus a room just for weights and barbells.

I think he named it MisFits because he invited a few friends to try CrossFit with him and then it just grew by word of mouth. Now we have a bunch of misfit people that have CrossFit in common. We all come from different walks of life, different ages, different abilities, and  different everything. Some of the people I knew before from around town, but I have met many "new" people from my small town as we WOD together. We whine and complain about the workout of the day, then we do it, and feel great after we did it! We have seen each other grow in strength and ability.

This reminds me  that Jesus called 12 "misfit" men to be his disciples. Also, that he calls all "misfits" to Him. Jesus died on the cross for the sins of the people of the world. (John 3:16) He calls us from all walks of life to love, be forgiven, and to serve Him. No matter what you have done in your past Jesus knows and will forgive. Romans 6:23 says, "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."  We don't deserve Heaven, because we son. Jesus took our punishment on himself, as the perfect Son of God. He loves you and willingly laid down His life for you. Will you trust in Him today?

Our front door!

Saturday, November 8, 2014


My 4th grade son has been reading about gravity in his Science homeschool studies. He learned that gravity is one of God's natural laws of order. The saying "What goes up, must come down." was very thought provoking for him. One of the vocabulary words he learned was "thrust" which was defined as "a quick hard push". That reminded of the Thruster. The Thruster is one of my favorite moves in CrossFit. I don't know why, except maybe that it is fast and makes me feel powerful. It is tough and wears you out after awhile, but it is fun.

Everyday humans are trying to defy the laws of gravity. That is very true in CrossFit! Athletes push, pull, and lift everyday. So, now when I we have a WOD with Thrusters in it, I will think of God's natural law of gravity.

Sunday, October 12, 2014

The Snatch

One of the basic movements in CrossFit is the snatch. I think it is a fun movement becasue it is fast and makes the athlete feel strong. Here is a video demonstrating the barbell power snatch.

The first time I heard "snatch" was to be in a WOD I thought of John 10:28
"And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of my hand."

This verse means that once someone has realized their sin, a need for Jesus to be their Saviour, and believe in the Lord as your Saviour then no one can "snatch" or take you from God. That is because you will have eternal life in Him and will forever be part of God's family. That is assurance, that we are safe in God's Hand and although Satan and the world can bother us, no one can snatch or take us away from God and His love.

Monday, September 15, 2014

The Singing Trashcans

Huh? You might ask what a singing trashcan is. Well, that is what my son calls the funny looking 6 or 8 speakers set up around our town's courthouse. Starting at 6:30am until I don't know what time at night, a radio station from a neighboring town plays music and news.
Today the CrossFit WOD was run 2 miles for time. What does that have to do with the singing trashcans? I would say a lot! When we run, we run around the courthouse. So, we get to listen to the singing trashcans while we run. Today we ran 8 times around the courthouse and through the  alley right next to our box.
 The Ringgold County Courthouse 

While I was on my way to the CrossFit Box I thought I saw one of the regular couples that go to 6:00am class too, driving down the street back toward home. I pulled up in front of The Box and some of the 5:30am class were outside waiting for the rest of their crew to finish. They told me what the WOD was and said that the Smith's went home to get their running shoes. That almost made me want to get back in my car and drive home for good! Now I do not like running. I used to really hate it, but as I have gotten in better shape the running is not as bad as it used to be. When I saw the what the WOD was I was not impressed. But I did it anyway! 

After stretching and warming up four of us  6amers ran 2 miles. I started out with the other three. Then I got slower and slower  and even walked a bit, then jogged, then walked and jogged. Mostly, I jogged. 

During the run I was not happy with our coach, who by the way was at his other CrossFit box for the day. Here are some of the thoughts that went through my head. 

"Just because our coach likes to run, doesn't mean the rest of like it!" 

"I don't know if I can run 2 miles! That is a lot, I am going to do 1 mile."

"No, I can run."
"Lord, I need some verses to help me run! "

"...they shall run and not grow weary.." Isaiah 40:31

" I can do all things through Christ which strenthgens me." Phillipians 4:31

By then I had run 1 mile! Woohoo! I made it halfway. Now to finish the other half. The other three finished when I had 2 laps left. They cheered for me as I came around the corner each time. 

Some of the songs that played this morning were North to Alaska by Johnny Horton, God Bless the USA  by Lee Greenwood, and another one about All my Love or something, I don't remember. Another day while running they played Lady by Kenny Rogers. (That is not an upbeat song to run to, by the way.) 

I needed some more motivation so the Lord sent me a high five.

This is the hosta flower that is on the northwest corner of the square that was hanging over the retaining wall. I "high fived" it each of the last four times around. It was just a little reminder that He was with me and He was giving me the strength to finish. My time was 25:11. Not great , but I did not quit! Maybe, just maybe, no definitely next time I WILL not walk! 

"...and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith..." Hebrews 12:1b-2a.  In CrossFit, in life, and in the Christian walk we are to run the race everyday looking to Jesus who died on the cross and rose again to save sinners.  Life is not a sprint it is a marathon.

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

To know the WOD ahead of time or not? That is the question.

Last Thursday after the WOD, our coach showed a few of us what the WOD for Saturday would be. He had it all written out on a whiteboard that had been turned backwards. 

20 thrusters (95 men's weight,65 ladies' weight)
10 T2B (Toes to bar)
run 400
15 thrusters (115/75)
15 T2B
 run 400 
10 thrusters (115,75)
 20 T2B
run 400

For time, 20 min. cap

Now, usually I just see the WOD when I go in for the WOD. I do not like to know what it will be because I may be tempted skip if it seems extremely hard. Well, this was one of those days that I might be tempted to skip because of running three 400s! (Running is not my favorite part of CrossFit!) I like thrusters, though. Here is a video of how to do a thruster. Also, toes to bar are hard for me, I just can't get my feet up to hit the bar. Here is a video of toes to bar

Well, I did not skip this WOD, but showed up at 8:00am Saturday morning, mostly ready, to do it. I had been thinking of verses to help me through it. On Friday night I looked up at the framed eagle picture we have over our mantle that has Isaiah 40:31 written on it. "But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint."  I thought, "That is perfect, Lord! Thank You for the reminder!" I also, remembered "I can do all things, through Christ which strenghteneth me." Phillipians 4:13

When the WOD started I was pumped for the thrusters! I think I did all of the first 20 in a row. Then it was on to the Toes to bar. I pushed and pulled and actually got my toes to hit the bar a few times. Not everytime, but a few. Then I ran, then kept going. The second run was very slow. 

I was ready for the last run at 18:00. Our coach said "Go, run you can do it!" I made some noise, but I ran/jogged/crawled that last 400 meters! My finishing time was 20:30! I made it! My eagle wings got weary, but I did it, with God's strength and my coach's push. 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Pandora's Box of Music

CrossFit is known for people doing crazy extreme  workouts while listening to loud music. Our box/gym is no exception.  The coach either has someone's I Phone hooked up with their favorite play list going or his laptop is connected to Pandora. I do not know what genre of music he picks, but it is mostly loud and rocky. Usually, I don't know most of the songs he plays, unless they are from the 80s. Most of the time the music is just background noise as we count reps and remember form over fast.

One morning  Pandora was playing some loud music  but then a commercial come on for Buffalo Wild Wings, one of my family's favorite restaurants. It talked about stopping to eat wings and  enjoy sports. Well, I stopped whatever exercise I was on and had a sudden craving for chicken wings, and I don't even eat the wings at Buffalo Wild Wings! ( I get a chicken salad or buffalitos.) I looked around to see if anyone else looked like they were craving wings. But I don't even think they were paying attention to the commercial at all. So, I just shook my head and got back to the WOD.

How do craving wings relate to the Bible? Matthew 5:6 says "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled." Now listening to some music gets my heart pumping and ready to workout, but it is not the same as praise music or a good old fashioned hymn. Some music leaves you empty and longing for something. But singing and praising God always fills a void in your heart with joy.

"Let everything that hath breath praise the LORD. Praise ye the LORD"
Psalm 150:6